And so the days are filled...

28 February 2006

origami saves the day, again

Or, how to dress up a daggy box of tealights ($2.95 from a sale bin at Ikea - don't ask what I was doing there) into a beautiful hostess present for your boss's wife when you're going there for dinner in 1/2 an hour.

1. Take one daggy box of tealights. Remove from ugly packaging:
ugh! look at that packaging!
2. Make 4 origami boxes, slightly decreasing in size. (The pattern I use is from Amazing Origami by Kunihiko Kasahara, one of my favourite origami books, as mentioned previously. Can you tell I think this is a great book?!)

3. Insert tealights into new hand made packaging:
in their boxes
4. Note that the boxes can also nest together to create 2 boxes with lids.
with lids
5. Stack and add ribbon for gift effect:
ahhh! that's much nicer!
Knitting news? Still going round and round and round Fiver's Leo... I made my Olympic deadline of 16.5 inches by the closing ceremony (only just)... but then when the official measurement was made, stretching the rib out to the correct dimension, I lost about an inch of length from the horizontal stretch... but the judge's decision is final, and I wouldn't want Fiver to end up with a crop top so I continue to go round and round....