I love how on a public holiday Monday, the street outside is still and quiet, with the occasional exception of a dog barking, and the clock seems to creep by, and the pages of my book seem to turn themselves...

As often happens on long weekends, this time I'm celebrating it at home on the lounge nursing a fluy coldy thing. How does it know that now is a perfect time to strike? It's uncanny. I'm sure I'll feel a million dollars by the time the alarm clock goes off on Tuesday morning.

Anyway, I am taking comfort in my latest warm and cozy winter woollen companion, the Hourglass Sweater, and have dragged myself off the lounge long enough for Fiver to take some photos for your sympathy (as it's looking a little crushed in these photos). The jumper has been finished now for a while - long enough that it has worn off the sheen of 'brand new handknit' and can quite acceptably be worn with trackie dax and uggies in sick-mode, an instant favourite jumper.

Pattern: Hourglass Sweater from Last Minute Knitted Gifts
Yarn: Cleckheaton Nature 50% alpaca 50% wool, Colour 11 (grey) - exactly 10 50g balls (I think this yarn is now discontinued which is a pity.) Lana Gatto Feeling (left over from this project) for the trim.
Needles: Addi's, 4mm
Start and finish dates: Still not that organised.

And just so you don't feel too sorry for me, let me show off something that arrived in the post for me last week - a
Lotus Blossom Tank hand knit for me, for no special occasion, by my mum (and newest reader of my blog)! Isn't it magnifique!

I think it's mum's first attempt at lace - she did a marvellous job!

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