Not going away for the Easter holiday doesn't mean France can't come to me.
Bells has been treating us to a few
salient points on the difficulties of photographing oneself recently and I think this is the main reason these two FOs haven't graced these pages yet; both were finished in February or March I think!
The first Finished Object, of course, needs no introduction:

My lace weight
Clapotis, made with 2-ply merino on
3mm needles, yarn procured from
Marta's Yarns for me by the ever generous

The finished dimensions are obviously much narrower than the original pattern, but I did extra repeats of the straight section (about 50 repeats I think, I lost count) to make up some length. It wraps easily around my neck three times. This is the kind of scarf a girl needs in Sydney - light weight but warm when you want it to be.

I haven't blocked it nor do I think I will. I've read so many bloggers mentioning that they like their Clapotis less when it's blocked flat. And I prefer the purl side as the right side. (Remember, I have a
penchant for likes and dislikes.)

And a Clapotis needs a bon ami, n'est-ce-pas?* How about a beret? Voila, FO numero deux:

This was the result of a day home sick from work. I'm not sure what made me think to make this, but I've had a hat hankering coming on lately. I chose the
Tweed Beret pattern from the
Winter 06 IK mainly because it matched, roughly, the gauge of the yarn I intended to use (more salvaged Vinnie's jumpers - this is left over from last year's
fiery bolero).

I was pleasantly surprised by this little detail to shape the brim - it hardly shows up at all in the photo in the magazine (nor does it show up very well here). The stocking stitch is broken by little diamond shaped sections of rib, which create the fullness and hide the decreases at the brim.
I must admit when I first tried it on when I finished it, I was distinctly unenamoured with it. So I tossed it in the knitting basket where it languished, unblocked and ends unwoven, until I thought I'd take some photos and post about it. I think I like it a little better now... it just might see the light of day this winter, we'll see.
While I was out in the back yard taking photos of myself and my French knitwear, Fiver was inside cooking up a French feast -
Gigot de sept heures (7 hour roast lamb) for some friends who were coming over for dinner. My contribution was a
Tarte aux Pommes - here it is before baking:

It was served flambee - what with the excitement of the fire safety announcements and blue flames licking my fresh apple tart, there was no chance for a photo after baking. But it was tres bon, biensur.
* Please forgive the wanton use of my half-remembered high school Francais.
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