And so the days are filled...

21 June 2006

We interrupt the scientific research

to bring you a report on the beautiful Mrs Beetons which have recently come to stay!
By now you may have noticed that Kris and I did a little Mrs Beetons swap. Just yesterday I received this lovely parcel with many extra goodies thrown in:
The Beetons are lovely soft and warm. They really do help to keep my little bell ringers* warm while tapping away at my desk.
The chocolate, of course, will be systematically tested and reported upon so that readers know exactly what to request from Kris when next she or another one of your Norwegian friends is in a situation to mail you something.

Here are the Mrs Beetons in action, reaching for some reading materials.
Sydney Mag Harry Kewell special.jpg
Oh look! The World Cup is on in June!
The world cup takes place in June.jpg
Here Mrs Beeton is assisting my right hand in carefully clipping my souvenir pinup of Socceroo, Harry Kewell.
Harry souvenir phto.jpg

* fingers