And so the days are filled...

07 February 2007

two roads

Two roads are diverging in my WIP basket.

The first, Butterfly, I was determined to get to grips with prior to beginning the second, the Forest Path Stole.
"Get to grips" meant to get the edging done and a decent amount of the body done so that I could abandon it and return to it later having reasonably learned the lace pattern. As you can see, I've not really completed a 'decent' amount of the body - just about 6 rows - but what's a girl to do - there's more exciting lace happening over at the Forest Path Stole Knitalong!

The KAL officially commenced on 1st February. On or about that date I cast on for the seemingly endless 20 rows of seed stitch border. Progress was not hampered by being unsure of the tension of my cast on - I just whacked a lifeline into the cast on row and merrily went on my way.
Things got sidetracked, though, when I picked up David Mitchell's latest, Black Swan Green, (longlisted for the 2006 Booker Prize) last weekend. I decided I really wanted to just read and read and read (the book is so good) - so the Forest Path Stole was abandoned until I finished the book last night; then I finally completed the little foundation triangles. All I can say is, I can't wait to get started with some actual LACE now on this pattern! In case you are wondering, the yarn is the Misti Alpaca laceweight in Merlot (though it's more purple than red wine colour) foreshadowed here.

And thanks for all the commiserations about the new blogger. So far I am uneasily settling down in the new blogger abode, however about 20 of you have lost your site feed for this blog, as one of the feeds doesn't work anymore and doesn't seem to be fixing itself. This is about the ilmit of my knowledge of site feeds so hopefully you 20 will just subscribe to one that works from now on. (Of course, since you've lost your site feed, you probably don't even know I've said this!)